Even the long fawning UK press is now saying what any startup who has tangled with the music industry has said all along: Spotify will not be able to launch its free any-song-you-want-to-hear-the-second-you-want-to-hear-it service in the US. The Telegraph is reporting that at the last minute the labels demanded too much upfront cash, killing a hard negotiated potential deal.
This is sad, but not a surprise. Despite all the reasons consumers would love it and labels should be empowering a rival for iTunes, the labels are in defensive mode and have never been rational when it comes to these things. My issues with how Spotify has handled this aside, I actually didn’t want to be right on this one. It’s a sad day for users.
But this will be the interesting thing to watch: Does Spotify just roll these we’re-definitely-launching-in-the-US assurances forward to 2011, the way the company has the last two years or does it pivot, and focus on building a profitable site for Europe and other less guarded pockets of the emerging world? In the Telegraph link above an unnamed source says the year of brutal negotiations has forced Spotify to “stop and think about whether it can afford the move to the US and indeed whether it is worth it,” while the article quotes a Spotify spokesman as saying the negotiations are “on-going.” Oh, Spotify.
Here’s my advice: Pivot. Spotify has spent two years, and undoubtedly plenty of money and focus, fighting what was always a Don Quixote like battle to make the US labels listen to reason. This is the same industry who sued their users. It was a valiant effort, but it didn’t work. We can argue why they should back Spotify all day long, but the last two years has proven that they are just not going to listen without Spotify having to make some major concessions.
I think Spotify should walk instead of making those concessions. No matter how hot of a startup you are, money and time are exhaustible commodities. Spotify should start directing them at challenges elsewhere until there is enough of a sea-change in the US music market that labels see reason. Giving into the labels’ demands isn’t the answer. Instead, Spotify should retreat, build in other countries, perfect its model, get to profitability, and then come back to this market when the labels are weaker and Spotify is stronger, boldly proving cynics like me flat wrong. Use your international headquarters as an advantage, not a liability.
Spotify board member Klaus Hommels told me in an interview late last year that he believed Spotify may be the venture industry’s last-ditch effort to build an online music company. (Other than Pandora, of course, the online music company with nine-lives that finally won the right to exist.) He told the labels in negotiations that if they opted instead to drain Spotify’s venture cash and leave it for dead the way they have to so many others, they may never get another hot upstart to back. And that would resign them to an Apple dominated world.
He may be right. So why not play the long game, instead of the short one?
(Note: Don’t worry, I’ve put two dollars in the TechCrunch Pivot/Swear Jar.)
I’ve often wondered if the early Web pioneers had it all to do over again if Web companies would have put less of an emphasis on free.
People have been conditioned against paying for services or content on the Web, and the Web elite only have each other to blame. For all the talk of Web companies getting users first and “figuring out” how to make money later, the only two jaw-droppingly, multi-billion-dollar, innovative new ways to advertise online have been Google’s paid search ads and Groupon’s solution to unlocking local ad dollars on a mass scale. Those who win big–like Google– just perpetuate the cult of free content and services as a way of spoiling would be competitors. Witness a big disconnect between popularity and money. Exhibit A: Yahoo.
As a result, Netflix and Match.com are two of the only companies to have figured out ways to build large, lucrative subscription businesses online. Meanwhile, LinkedIn is one of the only Web 2.0 companies that has created a huge business with a freemium business model.
But on the mobile Web it’s a do-over, and it’s a totally different playbook from FREE! People are conditioned to pay for stuff over phones in a way they aren’t online, and they’re not flinching. According to Citibank’s US Internet Stock 2011 Playbook released today, Apple will generated as much as $2 billion in gross app revenue in 2011. For perspective, that’s about the same size as Citibank’s estimate for the entire online video advertising market next year, nevermind way more people watch YouTube than have an iPhone and it’s been in the cultural zeitgeist longer.
The report also cites Gartner’s estimates that the total app market was around $4 billion in 2010 and should grow to a whopping $27 billion by 2013. The biggest driver is smart phone penetration, the impact of which Citibank compares to the spread of broadband on the computer-based Internet in the early 2000s. Globally, smart phone unit sales grew 53% in 2010, and Citibank expects it to grow 29% in 2011 and stay in the mid-20% growth range through 2013.
Several years ago, it was controversial to say that a fledgling product called Android — not the hyped up purchase of YouTube– would be Google’s best bet at another hit on the scale of paid search. Android is already making $1 billion in revenues with an indirect monetization strategy, and Citibank expects that could double next year– not only eclipsing YouTube but the entire online video category. Now calling Android Google’s future is almost a cliche. Good thing Google hedged its bets.
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Digital Photography Review
Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 samples gallery: Just posted: Olympus XZ-1 sample photos. While we were attending CES in Las Vegas, we were offered a full, production-standard version of the latest enthusiast compact from Olympus.
Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>
epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.
Verizon Wireless is ready to make <b>news</b> on Tuesday | 9 to 5 Mac <b>...</b>
It pretty clearly seems to be a sarcastic remark about the large volume of Verizon iPhone stories. This one seems pretty redundant, of course Verizon plans to make news, why else would they call a press announcement? ...
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